Why Projects

Projects were born in order to fulfill basic needs like health, nutrition and education. Local populations effectively take part in projects realization to meet the needs of the people that we support, thus promoting concrete development paths with our help.

Bhalobasa is currently carrying on cooperation and development projects in India, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Bosnia Erzegovina, and Nepal.

For further information about how to sponsor a project click here


To sponsor a project, it is possible to choose one of these solutions:

Online payment by credit card or by Paypal

  • Please insert the requested data in the adjacent column and then follow the donation proceeding

Payment by Bank Transfer

  • Unicredit – IBAN: IT 62 N 02008 71132 000104712560

Whether no credit card solution is chosen please remember to make out the operation to “Bhalobasa OdV” and please specify your personal data, and the project code. It will allow us to make the registration procedure faster.

Do not forget to fill the Personal Data Form and send it along with the copy of the payment receipt to progetti@bhalobasa.it.

Donations Deductibility

Bhalobasa is registered to the Provincial Section of Pisa of The General Regional Register of Voluntary Service by decree n. 429 del 02/11/1999.
Being a registered Voluntary Association, Bhalobasa is a no-profit organization pursuant to article 10 c.8 of D.lgs 460/1997 of Italian Law.
All the donations made to Bhalobasa ONLUS may be deduct from the income of the donator (either natural or legal person) up 10% of the taxable income, to the maximum extent of 70.000 Euro per year, pursuant to D.L. 35/2005 art. 14 of Italian Law.